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学术预告—Practical Stability and Control of Switched Systems
作者:     日期:2019-11-13     来源:    

讲座主题:Practical Stability and Control of Switched Systems







A switched dynamical system is a collection of finite continuous dynamical systems along with a discrete event governing the switching among them. In the real world, there are many switched dynamical systems that occur naturally or by design, such as those in the fields of control, communication, computer, and signal processing. In this talk, I will present some basic stability and control results of switched dynamical systems. Finally, I will discuss practical stability problems of continuous-time switched systems with multiple equilibria.


许弘雷教授为澳大利亚科廷大学数学与统计系高级讲师,IEEE高级会员,ICOCO2010,OCA5,JOC2017等国际会议秘书兼发起人,国际光学工程学会会员,IEEE协会高级会员,澳大利亚数学学会会员,为十余个国际会议的组织委员或程序委员。担任Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B (DCDIS-B)助理主编,Nonlinear Dynamics & Systems Theory (NDST),Complexity 和Journal of Difference Equations (JDE) 国际杂志副编,Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B (DCDS-B),International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),Optimization Letter (OPL) 等国际杂志客座主编,以及 Automatica,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 等30余个国际杂志审稿人。主编Springer图书3部,国际会议论文集2部,SCI国际杂志的特刊7期,在国内外权威期刊和重要国际学术会议上发表学术论文近百篇,其中SCI收录论文六十余篇。由于所做工作受到国际同行的关注,近期多次受邀到国际会议做大会或邀请报告。