讲座主题:Safe Adaptive Control of Hyperbolic PDE-ODE Cascades
Adaptive safe control employing conventional continuous infinite-time adaptation requires that the initial conditions be restricted to a subset of the safe set due to parametric uncertainty, where the safe set is shrunk in inverse proportion to the adaptation gain. The recent regulation-triggered adaptive control approach with batch least-squares identification (BaLSI, pronounced ``ballsy'') completes perfect parameter identification in finite time and offers a previously unforeseen advantage in adaptive safe control. Since the true challenge of safe control is exhibited for CBF of a high relative degree, we undertake a safe BaLSI design for a class of systems that possess a particularly extreme relative degree: ODE-PDE-ODE sandwich systems. Such sandwich systems arise in various applications, including delivery UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) with a cable-suspended load. Collision avoidance of the payload with the surrounding environment is required. The considered class of plants is coupled hyperbolic PDEs sandwiched by a strict-feedback nonlinear ODE and a linear ODE, where the unknown coefficients, whose bounds are known and arbitrary, are associated with the PDE in-domain coupling terms that can cause instability and with the input signal of the distal ODE. We introduce the concept of PDE CBF whose non-negativity as well as the ODE CBF's non-negativity are ensured with a backstepping-based safety filter. Our safe adaptive controller is explicit and operates in the entire original safe set. The designed controller guarantees: 1) the finite-time exact parameter identification of the unknown parameters; 2) the safety of the state furthermost from the control input; 3) the exponential regulation of the overall plant state to zero.
王骥,2018获重庆大学机械工程博士学位,2019-2021加州大学圣地亚哥分校机械与航空工程系博士后。目前是厦门大学航空航天学院副教授,入选厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才支持计划”。主要从事分布参数系统边界控制理论及其在柔性机械结构中的应用研究。以第一作者在控制领域顶刊IEEE TAC和 Automatica发表论文13篇(长文12篇),出版学术专著一部(Princeton University Press)。目前担任Systems & Control Letters编委。