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“两校名师讲堂”系列报告之第341期-The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann/Landau system with polynomial perturbation
作者:     供图:     供图:     日期:2022-03-19     来源:社科(科技)处    

讲座主题:The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann/Landau system with polynomial perturbation



讲座时间:2022年3月24日 15:00-16:30




In this talk, we consider the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system without angular cutoff and the Vlasov-Poisson-Landau system with Coulomb potential near a global Maxwellian $\mu$ in torus or union of cubes. We establish the global existence, uniqueness and large time behavior for solutions in a polynomial-weighted Sobolev space $H^2_{x, v}(\langle v \rangle^k)$ for some constant $k>0$.

For the domain union of cubes, We will consider the specular-reflection boundary condition and its high-order compatible specular boundary condition. The proof is based on extra dissipation term generated from improved semigroup method with the help of macroscopic estimates.


邓定群,清华大学丘成桐数学中心和北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院博士后。他于2021年获香港城市大学博士学位,之后加入雁栖湖应用数学研究院。他的研究兴趣在偏微分方程:主要是流体动力学方程中的Boltzmann方程,主题有带边界的存在性问题、在局部Maxwellian附近的扰动问题、光滑性问题和谱分析。研究成果发表在Commun. Math. Phys.、SIAM J. Math. Anal.、J. Differential Equations等国际知名学术杂志上。